Dist 6 Logo

South Side Pride

The most populous district with over 114,000 people, District Six holds Mitchell International Airport and many working-class neighborhoods within its boundaries.
The District Six Police Station is located at 3006 S. 27th Street, Milwaukee, WI

This far South Side district also has a growing Latino population, in addition to the traditional Polish ethnicities that originally inhabited the district starting in the 1890s

Here, you’ll find two-story wood-frame homes, classic Milwaukee bungalows, corner taverns and many remnants of Milwaukee’s past.

The district is home to a large and diverse population as well as some of Milwaukee’s most iconic attractions including Leon’s Frozen Custard, South Shore Yacht Club, South Shore Beach, Chill on the Hill and Humboldt Park.


District Six continues to work with our community partners to participate in multiple events and projects which benefit the community. Some of the events this summer included:

Puerto Rican Fest, National Night Out, Feed the Kids, Back to School Events, Coffee for Champions, Stories in the Garden and Bike Safety and Family Fun Nights.

Thank you again to all our community partners, you are making a difference!